Free mobile network finally accessible in inner Paris?

All that remains is the ratification by the Paris Council of the latest mobile phone charter, so that the 5G network can finally be accessed for subscribers of all segments and especially Free Mobile subscribers; This is being done now since yesterday, despite very clear opposition from the elected environmentalists, who protested the circumstances in which the latter could have been presented to them.

However, a certain number of restrictive conditions regarding exposure degrees to waves, which were multiplied by the creation of a dedicated observatory, were clearly defined in the formulation of its project, which should have satisfied the vast majority of green elected officials. The latter is clearly in favor of a much more restrictive halt.

This charter, which was a prerequisite for the opening of the network, will above all allow operators to open the doors of their commercial offerings, which were placed on standby in the capital, in the absence of access by their users.

It is divided into several topics related in particular to social, environmental, health and social impacts, but also conditions for collecting and protecting personal data as well as conditions for accessing the young population.

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Brooke Vargas

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