The Free network covers more than 50% of the population with 5G and 98.5% with 4G. But are you covered? To find out, Free has just updated its official map.
Free Mobile interactive map is updated, well, 3G / 4G / 5G coverage data is not completely updated in de Free Mobile موقع, to more accurately indicate the availability of different technologies. Thus, you can now see the status of your free coverage as of May 1 compared to April 13 previously. We are sorry that the operator did not update its data at the beginning of June.
Note in particular the start of 5G coverage integration in Poitiers, where the operator activated its devices at the end of May. Xavier Niel’s operator is ramping up its frequency on the 700MHz band, enabling it to claim today the largest 5G network in France with 9,586 5G sites including 1,143 on the 3.5GHz band.
As a reminder, this card allows you to know the exact coverage of the 3G and 4G operator as well as the availability of 5G near you. Distinguishing in particular between the two frequencies used for this new generation of mobile phones: 3.5 GHz, the “core” band of 5G that allows higher speeds is indicated in blue and 700 MHz that aims for better coverage and greater wall penetration, in dark green. The map is interactive and allows you to view the technology of your choice. You can also search for your address directly using a bar at the top of the map.
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