Gadgets and things for tourists, the Fast Umbria Confcommercio was born to contribute to economic recovery

editorial board
September 15, 2021 2:42 pm

Umbria is the leader in the promotion and protection of companies dealing with tourism tools through the FAST Umbria Confcommercio.

The first condition is to get acquainted with the new and specific Nececo code, with which it is possible to identify companies that were previously divided between very different Necec codes. An important step that will allow FAST Umbria companies to participate in all processes, including public tenders, that affect the tourism sector.

For a discussion on this issue, FAST Umbria President Stefano Leoni has already requested a meeting with the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Umbria Giorgio Mencaroni: the first in a series of events that will also include regional institutions and through Confcommercio, even national.

“The idea of ​​a union representing the specific needs of companies in our sector was born long before the pandemic – says FAST Umbria President Stefano Leoni – the vertical collapse of tourism, with all that it implies, has given force driven by the desire to find a unifying voice that shaped our idea, shaped us team, and we set a program of work.

Tourism this summer, even in Umbria, has given important signs of awakening, but “normality” is still far away. According to the latest data from the Confturismo Observatory, twenty million Italians spent vacations, choosing mainly coastal resorts. There was a timid return to travel abroad. We noted with satisfaction that foreign tourists returned to Umbria too, but we are far from years past. Organized tourism remains non-existent, which has been hit the hardest by the effects of the pandemic.”

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The activities represented by FAST are a visiting card of Umbria and can contribute significantly to the recovery of the regional economy.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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