Gameflix, Ile-de-France, has started renting board games

Being able to change board games multiple times a month, without cluttering up the cabinets: that is Gameflix concept, Ile-de-France is a young company based in Levallois-Perret in Hauts-de-Seine. Every month, subscribers can choose which games to be delivered to their homes. France Blu Paris met Alexander Ackerman, co-founder of Gameflix.

Where did you get this idea?

So basically, we’re both passionate about board games, and we have a lot of them. From this note, board games that we don’t play, which are gathering dust because every time we have new games we want to test, we told ourselves that the board game was a cultural product like music, literature, cinema and series. There are libraries for literature. For cinema, series or music there are streaming platforms, but for table games, this system does not exist yet. There are many game libraries, but in Paris there are few or no libraries at all, and above all they are never home-delivered. We designed Gameflix as a way to access a catalog of more than 500 games, but only keep two, four, or six games at home and refresh them every month.

This adventure started last November, with the launch of your platform. Established in 2020 you played in your decision to launch?

Sure, we played board games before confinement, but with these restrictions we had more time to play, and we saw a real boom in the game around us, there was a real boom in this sector. After that, I think it’s a tsunami. Board game is a cultural and art product in full expansion.

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how I can sign up?

If you want to subscribe, go to, and choose Subscribe. There are three types of subscriptions that give you access to two, four, or six games per month. There are games for everyone. We’ve tried to get a selection that will appeal to adults and children alike, or fans of strategy games for example, or trick games. You can finally hand in your games. At the end of the month, you will receive an email to choose your games again for your next month of subscription. At that moment, you choose and we come to make the exchange. This costs from € 13.33 per month, if you stick for six months.

At the moment, it only delivers to Levallois, Clichy, and Paris.

We plan to open the neighboring cities to Paris in 2021, if it turns out that this is access, why not open it to other cities in the Paris region, see other cities in France. Today we have a few dozen subscribers. If at the end of the month we hit the hundredth, that would be cool. Then there is no limit

Tess Larson

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