[GEEK PRIDE DAY] Baldur’s Gate III, the top Belgian video game

May 25, 2021 is Global Geek Pride Day! A comic event, which has been celebrated since 2006, to claim the right to be a freak. So, on this occasion, (re) listen to the best Puzzle episodes about the best video games, with Jan Zed! On your helmet (and controllers!)

A video game is out of the closet

After a successful second adaptation, the franchise gradually fell into limbo for the lack of a reliable buyer, save for the hearts of RPG fans. Until 2020, when Larian Studios, already guilty of critically-welcomed games like Divinity: Original Sin saga, decided to take a third episode out of the closet from legend Baldur’s Gate …

The puzzle is Papam’s cultural podcast: five voices follow each other to talk to you about cinema, music, literature, podcast and show. Loops to listen without moderation.

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Also to listen:
[GEEK PRIDE DAY] Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, at the heart of the Vikings’ invasions
Silencio, Babapam’s new event fiction
[HUMOUR : EN SCÈNE !] Joe Rogan, unknown in France but a star in the United States

See also  Bourbon Lancy. The game in all its forms in Bozenat Park

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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