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During a lawsuit against Google, the documents revealed that the American company has made it nearly impossible to manage personal data on Android.
Sometimes the experiences in which representatives of new technologies participate are rich in education. In the confrontation between Epic Games and Apple, important news has been revealed especially about the revenue the App Store is making. In a lawsuit involving Google in Arizona, it was revealed that the company had made it difficult to find location settings in its smartphone operating system.
Google is forcing smartphone makers to hide privacy settings
You know it, we know that, Google loves our personal data. Sometimes a little too. During the lawsuit against the company in Arizona over managing its sensitive data, our Business Insider colleagues uncovered compromised documents. The US company has intentionally made access to site parameters complicated. So much so, that even the company’s engineers couldn’t find their way around. The company has even put pressure on smartphone manufacturers to hide geolocation parameters through software overlay. The document even indicates that data were collected even from those who refused.
These discoveries could be problematic in the future. In fact, the American company often finds itself in the crosshairs of commissions and courts. With this personal data-gathering flaw uncovered, Google could once again be in the eye of the storm. A few weeks ago, a study by a computer security researcher estimated that an Android smartphone collected up to 20 times more personal data compared to iOS. Very quickly, the US company defended itself with the main argument that data collection matters. The idea was to use it to determine the main needs of the users.
In light of these new elements, Google will have to prepare new arguments for potential future trials.
Source : Interested in the trade
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