Google Maps: Stiftung Warentest has been beaten with surprising results

If you want to find the right way to reach your destination quickly, you can also get a good guide for free. This is the result of Stiftung Warentest, which examined 17 navigation solutions. Seven of the fifteen navigation apps are free and come out as “good”. Two “satisfactory” paid apps.

The magazine “test” (issue 8/2021) rated a total of 13 apps as well as the two classic “Tomtom Go Discover 7” navigation devices (€299) and the “Garmin DriveSmart 65 & Digital Traffic” (€250). “Good” here, our testers only compared the two most expensive models from the top providers, and the demand for something like this has dropped dramatically with the growing popularity of smartphone navigation.

Tomtom outperforms Google Maps

Tomtom also participates in apps multiple times and is ahead of the Android hardware bundle with the graphic-based app “Tomtom Go Navigation” (row 1.9). And behind it land the free “Google Maps” (2.0) and the paid “Sygic GPS Navigation” (2.1). In iOS apps, Google Maps (1.9) comes before Apple Maps (2.0), which is also free, and Sygic GPS Navigation (2.0 for a fee).

Some applications, such as Tomtom Go Navigation, save maps to the device. This consumes memory, but less data is used on the phone while on the go. Otherwise, depending on the tariff outside the EU, this can be expensive. In the case of “Apple Maps” or “Tomtom AmiGo” (2.5) and “Waze” (2.2), which are free for both systems and rated “good”, for example, the material for maps is on the Internet. It will then be uploaded to the respective route. Then it works in reverse: the storage space remains free, but the amount of data increases.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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