Grato is obliged to pay a service ticket (3 euros) to access the main beach

Degrees. Important day for lifeguards, cashiers and doorkeepers Saturday, May 15: Access to the island’s main beach – the Spiakia del ‘Imbarator to mark its appearance and disgrace – is subject to an obligation to pay for the service (3 euros).

You do not pay for the entrance, but you pay for the services added upon entering the beach, and the possibility of using the changing room, insurance for any accidents, the possibility of participating in all recreational activities largely part of which are completely free. Then there are services, showers, bars.

The official opening of the season involved a number of employees: as of today, 116 seasonal employees are already on the job.

The number will increase as the number of people on the beach increases to a total of 175 employees.

However, the new bathing season on Saturday began with uncertainty, under the sign of the atmosphere (which happened several times in the past at the beginning of the bathing season), but it is associated with anti-Govt issues and are respected with greater distances than those installed between umbrellas and umbrellas.

In addition, the beds and deck chairs are cleaned daily.

«But this is the problem of tampons – says Alessandro Lovato, CEO of Kid – which involves us more because it is of interest to Austrian customers who call or write to us to get information about it.

It seems that the Austrians can now wipe with a cloth when they return home, which is without obligation to do with us here (among other things, at the moment they can only be carried out at the Santa Euphemia Clinic in the municipal pharmacy will soon carry out this service, version) “.

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What is important today, however, is that May is already moving towards the default, which last year was practically reached in July.

Although July and August are almost sold out for all the central departments of the beach that Kid manages, as Lovato always says, you can enjoy even a month of September, and perhaps even October to recover what you lost during the better Easter season.

This weekend, marked by the Ascension, did not see the usual descent of the Austrians.

Perhaps the most important thing – ending the Au of the Git – is to better welcome tourists and especially those who return home for a holiday after a long stay in Friuli Venice Giulia.

It is important to maintain them, as has happened to most tourists who have been to Grado Beach frequently for generations.

Veronica Tucker

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