Favorite of the editorial board at the beginning of the year, Green Hill VRan adaptation of the game of the same name on a flat-screen PC, carried by the studio INCOVOThere is an official release date on PC VR.
first arrived on Meta Quest 2 And the recently announced PSVRWe were eagerly waiting for him in the editorial office on PC platforms VR. I must say that The game made a very good impression Yet keeping players in suspense throughout its development. We were amazed by it Play very realistic. We finally know its official release date. The title will be released on June 9, 2022, in just one week on platforms SteamVR And the crack.
Unlike the standalone headphone version, this version will be The full port of the original game on PC. Hear here you will find The game in its entirety, both in terms of content and graphic aspect. In fact, Search Binding, the studio had to remove some sections of the original card as well as some game mechanics, as well as several visual effects.
To wait, we suggest you read our version test Meta Quest 2 At this address, or peeping rinse in front of tractor The game that announces color: will you survive in the hostile jungle, will you discover the real reason for being on this island and finally, will you find your wife? Mia ?