Source: Samsung
With the proliferation of 4K receivers, HDR technology has emerged. Not surprisingly, after all, it allows us to watch movies in a wider color palette and enjoy high-contrast images. But although HDR has enabled us to appreciate the digital image again, it has a deficiency. In the initial phase of implementation, the technology is designed for use in movies and TV series, while pushing players into the background.
And while the situation has improved significantly in recent years, as next-generation consoles and TVs have been adapted to support HDR technology suitable for gaming use, the advent of HDR10+ Gaming could spell a small boom in the game. Marlet. A revolution joined by Samsung engineers. The company plans to adapt gaming monitors and Neo QLED TVs from its 2022 Q70 lines and above to work with the new standard.
Basically, HDR10+ games are no different from other similar technologies. It is always the same tool that allows to extend the color space of the image, but it is rich in very interesting functions. Users of receivers compatible with the new standard will not have to configure parameters manually, and the graphics engine will be able to directly and automatically calibrate colors in real time.
HDR10 + Gaming aims to be for gamers what FILMMAKER MODE is for moviegoers – a tool for displaying a reference image as close as possible to the creators’ vision. Deep black, high contrast chiaroscuro and well saturated colors. All this, along with other improvements in image quality, should significantly deepen the immersive experience and make games like Cyberpunk 2077 movieAnd metro: exodus where monitoring It would be better with ray tracing on and off.
Provided, of course, that developers adopt the new standard and implement it in their production. This will be the main factor that will determine whether HDR10 + Gaming will truly revolutionize the gaming world, or is it just another technical curiosity.
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