Health pass: TousAntiCovid app vulnerable to user data

Three researchers have published a study indicating flaws that could lead to data leaks in the TousAntiCovid app.

Since June, the TousAntiCovid app has been equipped with a stats collection system. But a study transferred to a specialized site 01 net He assures that this addition will make it possible to link many data sent to the server and thus reveal certain information about users. Splitting data between the different services of the application will not be tight.

By traversing log events, data leaks appear” Explanation of the study authors. If, for example, a group of people often go to a restaurant together, their notes on the app will be very similar, meaning they were together in the same place at the same time.

Unsafe personal data

Finally, and most seriously, the personal identity (name/first name, date of birth) of the user can be found via the event log. And the discount to find out the frequency of the target user.

Faced with all these flaws, researchers believe that improvements are necessary to the TousAntiCovid app that has been downloaded by more than 20 million French.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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