Here the vampire was born –

How it was born Lady Dimitresku, Ghost vampire Resident Evil Village? Art director Domanori Tacano and sports director Morimasa Sato spoke on IGN’s microphones.

The duo did not expect similar fame for this character who has become a true superstar. “We deliberately made its design a bit more luxurious than the Resident Evil 7 biohosard, but we could not have imagined such a scenario,” Tacano said.

“The idea of ​​setting up a game in a village was decided in the early stages of development and then we started thinking about it. letters. The statistics of the inhabitants are very important to add beauty to the landscape, “Sato explained.

“For the main adversaries, we thought about the area of ​​the village they each moved to and the experience they could provide. This kind of approach may seem like the one we used in Citizen Evil 4.”

“There will be some other characters in the game who will have a similar impact to Lady Dimitres,” Sato continued. “To make his prototype, we used the model again My From Resident Evil 7 biohazard, we made her wear a dress and hat. “

“This solution gave it a scary look, but we could not scare it. So we decided to increase the size – that’s how Lady Dimitriz took the first steps”, and then some commentary confirmed that the idea worked.

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Veronica Tucker

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