How do you make job search a game?

This article is from Management Magazine

While looking for a job can become painful, the idea of ​​making it a game can sound crazy. If you’re looking for a job, you probably don’t want to gamble. Unemployed people are already going through hard times. They have to grieve their old job, see their former colleagues continue to work as before, and it is painful to have to start or go back to look for a job.

In an effort to stop this suffering, you can try to apply the mechanics of the game to your search for work, as the similarities between the two are many. This allows you to appear more detached from what you are going through. When we play Monopoly, for example, we all start at square one and our dream job is square one.

Before you start the game, study the rules of the game. In the world of job search, the rules change every three years, so be sure to update what you know. You can also develop strategies based on your professional and personal goals. And choose your pawn wisely. Because be careful! Take not the job-seeker’s pawn, but the winning pawn, that is, the job-seeker. Before you get started, also try to have the right cards on hand: a good resume, short and airy, a great presentation, a motivational email, more impactful than a cover letter…

And then, start playing. There, we either respond only to job offers that we see, or we also send automatic requests to increase our chances. But beware, luck often calls itself into the game. And you’ll often feel like she’s never on your side! It’s annoying, but it’s the game as they say, so stay tuned for that aspect. Instead, you should try to create alliances with your competitors and even with recruits, who should not be your enemies. The most important thing in the research process is practice. The more we practice by going to the many interviews, the better…

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>> Find out the rest of Christel de Foucault’s advice by listening to “Trouveur d’Emploi”, the management magazine podcast that helps you in your job search.