Ile-de-France: The Mon eau & Moi app to control your water consumption

Mobile app, voice assistant, and digital space. The Ile-de-France Water Syndicate (Sedif) and its delegate Veolia are launching three digital tools for residents of Ile-de-France. Application “My water and me”Available on smartphones, it allows four million users to “monitor and control their consumption in real time,” says Carol Collint, Sedif deputy general manager. Residents of 135 municipalities in the area that depend on “Sadaf”, whether they subscribe to the public water service or not, can download the application and benefit from this service.

In addition to financial savings, controlling consumption in real time also helps conserve resources. This is one of the stated goals of the launch of these new tools. “On the app, you can compare yourself with a virtuous citizen or find tips to reduce your consumption,” adds Nathalie Duchevet, managing director of Veolia Eau d’Ile-de-France.

Water quality, origin and composition

“When you turn on the faucet, you have a lot of questions,” says Carol Collint. The mobile application and voice assistant provide information on the quality, origin or composition of the water coming out of the tap. “Every consumer will now be able to ask questions of the public water service by asking to speak to Veolia Eau d’Ile-de-France,” Sedif notes.

The app, which has been downloaded by 10,000 users since its launch on April 12th, provides information about any business or sourcing issues. In the event of a water outage, the tool indicates in real time its duration, response time as well as where the water rescue can be availed. Nathalie Duchevet recalls, “This information will be available on the condition that a consumer space is created on the application.” Through the application, users will be able to report accidents if they are seen, such as leaks or an open fire hydrant. So Veolia and Sedif hope to improve network performance thanks to alert users. Thus reducing water losses on the 8,700 kilometers of pipelines that run through the Ile-de-France.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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