In Marseille, a mobile application to quickly find extras in catering

The closer the summer season approaches, the more concern grows among specialists in restaurants and hotels. This sector suffers from a shortage of manpower and many positions remain to be filled. 300,000 nationwide, and over 45,000 in the PACA region alone. The shortage has consequences for the proper functioning of some enterprises, forcing to reduce ailerons, and even close certain days in order to be able to give leave to their employees in their place.

In this context, it is also difficult for restaurateurs to find extras, these short daily contracts, which are meant to strengthen the difference. The President of Marseille had the idea to create a free application to connect professionals and interested candidates with these short assignments. “Therefore, we are looking for a runner, he is the one who will help us in the service. I put the job description in the application, then I choose the skills and personal skills required”, explains, phone in hand, Jean-Baptiste Vignau, restaurateur and co-founder of Xtras. A task that paid a hundred euros and can be accessed without experience.

Paul, a student who regularly works in bars, immediately adopted the new app. It affords him more flexibility than the classic Giant predator to choose the times when he wants to work: “”Sure, you have to work to finance your studies, and then having two weeks of vacation is also great. Therefore, the purpose of the application is to be able to organize your time“.

But in the long run, in the face of this manpower shortage, app designers hope that it will also lead to permanent employment. “An employer rarely signs a CDI right away, however, if they have the means to test the employee and do well, they will keep it. On the other hand, a candidate who will be reluctant to commit to long-term contracts, if he sees that he feels good in the organization, gets along well with the team, hierarchy, and can develop professionally and personally, will not hesitate to sign a CDD or CDI‘,” explains Guillame Barthoux, Xtras Developer.

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Brooke Vargas

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