In Van, Néo56 launched a mobile digital workshop for job seekers – Vannes

In November, Neo56 Group created a travel scheme, Nomad’Emploi, to be closer to job seekers. Thus, at the leash of a Neo56 motorhome, Morgane Guimard crossed about forty municipalities in South Morbihan, half a day each, from Monday to Wednesday. The Employment Consultant informs job seekers with a view to offering them work assignments in their territory and orientation towards sustainable employment.

Two brakes including digital

Through these interviews with the public, free of charge and without an appointment, two obstacles emerged for some: mobility and digital technology. We noticed that they were significant obstacles to integrating and returning to work, and we made sure to provide local service and fight insecurity. For those who have a driver’s license but do not have a car, for example, there is Néo Mobilité, which offers a car loan for 5 euros a day, assures Lise Simon, director of digital communications at Néo56. Regarding the digital aspect, the syndicate group decided, in February, to launch a digital mobile workshop, face-to-face and group, at a rate of one per month.

Wednesday 27 April in Van

“Almost everyone owns a mobile phone, but not necessarily a computer,” says Liz Simon. “The mobile digital workshop addresses this practice so that people can download applications, put their resume online and apply to Indeed and Paul Employ. This workshop, free and upon registration, is innovative and adapted to the population. The goal is for everyone to be able to search for and respond to a job offer Online, to be visible to recruiters.“It’s inevitable today, that’s where everything happens,” says Liz Simon. After Baden and St. Dolay, the next digital mobile workshop will take place in Van, scheduled for Wednesday, April 27, from 2 p.m. Noon to 4 pm, at Parc Inn Bretagne sud (Pibs) in Vannes.

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Digital Mobile Workshop (free of charge). Registration by phone. 07 76 08 62 64, or by email to or via the Facebook event on the Néo Emplois page.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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