“It’s an open night. Come on”: at the Cagliari Gallery Center for post-vaccine selfies and colorful paraphernalia

Cagliari. “It’s an open night. Come on”: is the claim of the media campaign carried out by the region via ATS. As of today, the date of the vaccination open night will be announced on social media, which will be held on August 31, at the Cagliari exhibition center.

Colorful paraphernalia for all who are going to the exhibition, a selfie station with the hashtag #vaccinati and DJ from 8pm to midnight for an evening of lightness, but always with the utmost protection of health, avoiding any gathering. The campaign “It’s an open night. Come on” is designed with a winking graffiti on young people and young adults (12-35 years old) who have not yet received an anti-retroviral vaccine, to encourage them to get vaccinated. Carry out all recreational, school, college and sports activities safely.

Entry is free (free entry) until midnight, without any reservation. The initiative seeks to reach the largest possible number of young people, especially the age group 12-25 years, and motivate them to get vaccinated, in a campaign style that resonates in recreational events for young people, and conveys the implicit message that vaccination is the only way to return to normal life and enjoy with others.

The initiative includes creating a social campaign with promotional cards and, at the fair, creating a DJ set and post-vaccine selfie poses, to be shared with the hashtag #vaccinati.

The hashtag chosen for the social campaign is #vaccinati, which has the meaning of testifying on social networks that a vaccine has been made as well as encouraging people to do so.

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Those vaccinated during the open night will be given personalized colored bracelets, as a reminder of the ‘special’ day and as a token value for the public certificate of vaccinator selection.

The campaign will be on the main institutional social channels of the Sardinian region, the ATS Sardinia and the municipality of Cagliari.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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