Kanye West reveals the instrument for those who are tired of passive listening to songs

Who said that music should be listened to passively and that to modify it you need more or less massive / expensive hardware and software? To interact with the music tracks, a The tool that is held in the palm of the hand. Based on this idea the rapper Kanye West, before the release of his next album, Donda, presented Donda Steam Player, a small device that makes big promises: it gives the user a possibility Customize any kind of music.

adjust or adapt Meaning that the user can intervene to perform operations such as: Check out vocals, drums and bass; Isolate parts of the path; to add Effects; Lossless four-channel audio mixing; check the playback speed; Save, play and share the mix. All of the above through the intervention of the four touch control units equipped with LEDs integrated into a device that looks like a CD with a leather finish.

There is also room in the small body of the device publisher (97 dB), 8 GB of memory To store songs, unit Bluetooth A plug to return a aptico feedback. The built-in battery can be recharged via the USB-C connector (which is also used for data transfer) and there is also a 3.5 mm jack for connecting wired headphones. Donda Steam Player is able to play files in the . format .AIFF .AIF .FLAC .M4A .MP3 .WAV .WAVE .AAC. .ALAC.. .MP4. The user can then load a song into the player, edit it, and share the final result.

Donda Stem Player – made by West’s Yeezy Tech brand in collaboration with Kano (an electronics company) – is marketed in the UK and US where it can be pre-ordered at $ 200. Deliveries are generally set to “”PropertyFor completeness, please note that Donda will be launching on August 29th on iTunes.

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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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