KaruSanT: a mobile application dedicated to the health of Guadeloupe youth

“In Guadeloupe, the rate of overweight and obesity is much higher compared to the data from France Sixth […] In general, we see fairly minimal consumption of cannabis […] So these observations lead us to reach out and encourage the population to have a more appropriate response to their health. “Explains Lionel Pollon, Inspector of Health and Social Procedures and Head of Prevention and Health Promotion at ARS.

An app specially designed by health professionals who know local issues

KaruSanT Guadeloupe youth between the ages of 13 and 25 will be allowed to learn about 3 major health topics: nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, addictive behavior and sexual health. An innovative tool for ARS Guadeloupe that is launching its mobile app for the first time. Through mini games, young people can learn to use this app to adopt correct reactions for good health.

The interview is below:

How it works KaruSanT ?

“It’s about learning information that is beneficial to one’s health while playing. That means removing the taboo that a prevention campaign can sometimes have.” Adds Lionel Pollon, Inspector of Health, Social Work and Head of the Prevention and Health Promotion Service at ARS.

The interview is below:

The application KaruSanT Available for download.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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