LastPass limits its free plan to one type of device, desktop or mobile phone

LastPass Password Manager is tightening its free offer. Starting March 16th, will be users of this plan border To use “desktop” (web browsers for Windows and macOS) or mobile devices (iOS and Android apps), but not both. The first contact with the service since the fateful day will define the camp we are in. However, there will be Three possibilities To change the device type.

Please note: There is no limit to the number of devices that can use LastPass services.

Additionally, as of the day following this restriction, March 17th, LastPass email support will not be offered to Premium or Family subscribers. The online help center remains available to everyone, as does the community forum. Paid offers start at 2.67 € per month.

To find our way, the service posted a file Frequently asked questions (In English). LastPass still determines that you will never lose access to your passwords and other information stored in your vault, which is the least. On the Mac, the native client is still available, but that’s the encapsulated web app and there’s a strong incentive to use the browser extension.

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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