Launched at a Petition Ask Bethesda Double in Italian Starfield. The first signer was a certain “Filippo”. (Dot is a part of the nickname), someone who likes to listen to sports conversations spoken in our language.
The text of the petition begins with a kind request to the Development Committee: “We kindly request that Bethesda’s next title, “Starfield”, be given the opportunity to give a full voice in Italian.“Then explain the reasons for collecting signatures:”The lack of dubbing in Italian really makes the game feel like itself and you get used to enjoying your titles in our language. This deficiency will definitely affect the whole immersion in the game world.“Then came the Microsoft acquisition:”We hope Microsoft’s acquisition does not affect your voice acting policy, and there is certainly no shortage of resources to invest.“
At the time of writing, the petition has already been taken up 312 Signatures. We do not believe this will have a real effect and we do not believe that Bethesda will back down from her decision, but we do report it as a community initiative, inviting you to read our Starfield preview to learn more about the game.