Lost in a random bout am 10. September • Nintendo Connect

The kingdom of Random, ruled by an evil queen, is divided into six mysterious regions where all life is defined by a cursed black cube. In the role of Even, players roam the streets of the mysterious country, meet volatile residents and take on adventurous missions to rescue Evens sister Odd from the clutches of the Queen. On the way, until he meets Dicey, a strange little neighborhood cube. Together, they discover an ancient story with a modern message that isn’t usually addressed in games: there’s no need to fear or control opportunity. If you allow it, you can use it for yourself and master any situation.

Chance reigns in the kingdom of randomness. This principle can also be found in the innovative gameplay of lost in random again. On the way, players collect coins that, among other things, help even with new attacks and skills. These are very useful in tactical battles. Opponents can be attacked with an Even Slingshot. This creates energy cubes that supply Daisy with energy. Once fully charged, Dicey can be cast, freezing time and unleashing his powerful magic. In the ever-changing arenas of board games, players need to be able to quickly adapt their combat strategy. This is the only way to defy fate and use the power of luck.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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