Lots of play but tenth place in the order that questions

Olympique Lyon is 10th in the league after the derby match against Saint-Etienne. After a failed start to the season, OL is attractive but lacks the most important thing, the results. Conquered by Peter Boss, Lyon supporters remained behind their coach, conceited, true, with the rebirth of a group they had criticized so fiercely at the start of the season.

The draw left a little OL marble due to the multiple scenario and opportunities in the first period. Even if the lottery makes sense. For OL, it’s a revolution through gameplay that has been done but has yet to come to fruition.

OL’s Failed To Start Season Before Renewing

Less comfortable early in the season, OL lost valuable points in the title race. Worried, the OL Watchers have enough to be after the first three days of the tournament. In fact, Brest, Angers and Claremont are very affordable opponents. However, OL has failed all the time, both technically and tactically.

The philosophy of playing error has not yet developed with the Dutch criticism manager with his players. At a press conference, successor Rudi Garcia left his players by ditching the tongue of his predecessor.

Three days into the tournament, OL is at the bottom of the rankings with great doubts. But the crisis ended with the victory of Nantes. In addition, Juninho did not hesitate to support his coach in the storm of Lyon. Marcelo landed, Alawar struggled, and Bosz hit hard on OL executives to help them respond.

Poker movement achieves first success in Nantes. After that, OL will continue with a streak of two wins, two draws and a hard defeat against Paris Saint-Germain.

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In the European Cup, the OL team is clearly marked by six points and two serious victories over Rangers and Brondby.

Sainté-Lyon: The derby symbol for the start of the OL . season

In full swing in the game, OL comes to Saint-Étienne with great certainty. After losing 3-0 against Brondby, players are expecting a tough game at Friese. Against Saint-Etienne, Goons snatched a tie again after leading and controlling much of the encounter.

Too tender in the end, he spoiled OL for Peter Boss and punished with the penalty kick that rewarded Saint-Etienne’s good game.

Basically, with attractive Paqueta and Guimaraes, a very solid midfield and attacking to score, Gones has only one defensive error. Because if the OL is in 10th place, it’s also because of their visual fouls against the Greens.

When the ball is lost, the Lyon block is poorly placed in the defense fold. The central joint is often left exposed and the sides without a defensive cover. Lionel will have to balance better in the highlights of the match to avoid air holes.

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Tess Larson

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