Magnanville official website

The Communal Center for Social Action provides free digital access and discovery sessions for young and old Magnanvillois. Places are still available in May and June. Don’t wait to register.

Carrying out administrative procedures online has become very common these days. But not owning a computer or feeling uncomfortable browsing the web are all obstacles to their implementation. In order to address this “digital divide”, the Community Center for Social Work offers accessible workshops for everyone, young and old.

Meryl Lancel, the agent at the Town Hall, leads two types of workshops at the media library “Le Grenier des Arts”:

Group introductory computer courses, with an average of 4 sessions of digital technology approach, learning to master the use of computers and the Internet. During the first session, participants will have to pay a media library subscription fee of €10 – free for job seekers – (unless they already have a media library card).

Free 30-minute one-on-one meetings to help you with a one-time process.

Registration at the city hall reception. Tel: 01 30 92 87 27.

See also  Create, edit or delete a Gmail label (folder, category)

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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