Maquens: Gravel fishing at the service of local artists

Have you ever encountered beautiful pebbles on a walk ? You may have found a work of art !

The game concept is simple : Draw on pebbles, and hide them so people who can keep or replace them can find them. What is new is the promotion of local artists. In the first collaboration, Touba en BD agreed to play the game. Arnaud and Sarah Souli, designer and screenwriter Little Toba4 A Thousand Members of Their World or rather Tuba, a young boy from Burkina Faso who lives many adventures and grows up alongside Yaba, who is very full of wisdom.

The challenge was on the level of stakes. Members’ task was to reproduce a photo of the storyboard on a pebble in order to announce the artists and try to win the signed book (competition is ongoing on the Touba en BD Facebook page).

The meeting with the artists will be a monthly meeting for the growing community of Trouve mon galet 11. If you are a Sunday cartoonist or artist, contact us. You will be welcomed into the community that is enthusiastically managed by the Team of Mediators. From making pebbles to new paths to discover, one password : joy !

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Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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