Big Sunspot AR3738 Caused a massive explosion, a M5.3 class explosion Yesterday, July 13, at 2.42 pm Italian time. “Radiation from the volcano ionized the Earth's upper atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout in Europe and Africa.The special site, edited by astrophysicist Tony Phillips, reported. So far they have not been detected Coronal mass ejections (CME) from the eruption region.
An explosion in the sun, that's a flare
A explosion Sun light It is a burst of energy on the Sun's surface that occurs when magnetic field lines, near sunspots, break and reconnect. This free magnet relink A large amount of energy In the form of electromagnetic radiation covering a wide spectrum from radio waves to gamma rays. A sunburn can last from a few minutes to several hours They are classified into A, B, C, M and X classes according to their severity, Class X represents the most powerful flares. These events not only increase the Sun's luminosity, but also accelerate high-energy particles that can affect interplanetary space and the near-Earth space environment.
From sunlight to shortwave radio blackout
A Radio blackout Short wave On Earth, radio communications are disrupted by sunlight, which emits a significant amount of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation ionizes the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, esp Ionosphere, increasing the electron density. The ionosphere, which normally reflects and propagates shortwave radio waves, becomes very dense and absorbent, blocking the reflection of radio waves and causing communication breakdowns. These blackouts last from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the intensity of the burn and its duration. The effects are particularly pronounced in areas illuminated by the sun during burning.
What is Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)?
A'Coronal mass ejection (CME) is a large burst of plasma and magnetic fields in the outer part of the Sun's atmosphere, caused by the instability and reconnection of the solar magnetic field lines, which releases large amounts of energy. When a CME occurs, enormous bubbles of magnetized gas are ejected into space at speeds reaching millions of kilometers per hour.
CMEs can have a significant impact when they hit Earth. They can cause Storms Geomagnetic, which can interfere with communication and navigation systems, damage satellites and affect power grids. Charged particles from CMEs can increase the intensity of the northern and southern lights.
What is a geomagnetic storm?
A Storm Geomagnetic It is a disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field due to the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere. When does this event occur? Coronal mass ejections (CME) or high-velocity solar wind streams, with intense magnetic fields, impact the Earth. Energy transferred from the solar wind to the magnetosphere compresses the Earth's magnetic field and increases the activity of electric currents in the upper atmosphere. Geomagnetic storms can cause a variety of effects, including auroras seen at unusually low latitudes, disruptions in radio communications, malfunctions in satellites and, in more extreme cases, damage to terrestrial power grids.
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