Medieval Going Guide How do you start the game? – Break Flip

Going Mediavel is a new management and strategy game that mixes some elements of survival. Find here a guide to get you started with some tips and tricks.

With sales of 175,000 in its launch week, and available in Early Access right now, Go in the Middle Ages It promises to be the game to follow. With gameplay that blends management, strategy and survival, players will have to build and develop a city in medieval England in the 14th century.The tenth sicele after it was devastated by the plague.

find here A guide with tips and advice to get started in Going Medieval.

How do you get started in Going Medieval?

After setting the game level to “Normal” or “Normal”, players will start their game “Going into the Middle Ages” with three villagers and some resources. The player shared some tips to get started (Source).

Vector medieval developers introduce the basics of the game

The three priorities at the beginning of the game in Going Medieval are to create a place for the villagers to sleepAnd the pray And the for work. So the house is the first building to be erected.

Then we have to find food. For this it is recommendedEquip the villager with the best of bow hunting provided at the beginning. Another villager can also be tasked with picking the fruit. However, do not forget Plan a few hours of rest For the villagers so that they can go enjoy and pray.

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Research is the other important part of the beginning of the game in Going Medieval. So the villager with the best intelligence stat will have to take charge ي Create a lookup table. The order of the search techniques is as follows.

  • building
  • Agriculture
  • brasserie
  • Fashion design
  • Army

Players will actually have to defend their camp against regular waves of enemies. For this it is recommendedFew villagers are equipped with bows. It is not recommended to build walls at the beginning of the game because it requires a lot of resources. The Little Archer Tower However it is recommended.

With these few tips and tricks, players should be ready to take their first steps in Going Medieval!

Tess Larson

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