Messenger: New features coming to the app

Messenger will receive new features.
Messenger will receive new features. (© AdobeStock)

If you are chatting online with your friends, there is a good chance that you will pass messengera former Facebook messaging app, is now open to everyone.

Managed by Meta Group, the app It will have new features that may appeal to its users.

Need to be notified urgently?

In general, this is abbreviations to be added to the application, announced Meta In a press release. These, inserted at the beginning of the message, will activate several effects.

Will the first new feature Force your friends to see what you’re postingEven those who never reply to messages. It is enough to write @Everyone To send an urgent notice to all participants in the group.

Always helpful to know what to bring to a party or for any urgent complaint!

Meta further indicates that with this command, the message will get the best offer and no one will be able to miss it. Including those who were going to silence the group.

As opposed to silent messages

But it should not be abused. Because now you can warn your friends in all circumstances, you should consider leaving them alone.

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If you are a fan of messages late at night (or early in the morning), and to prevent your contacts from receiving dozens of notifications when they wake up, you can now use the function /silent.

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They will be able to quietly read your messages in their spare time. Meta states that this function is already in Instagram (in silent format).

More shortcuts to come

In the future, other shortcuts will be published on Messenger. If the first two are formalized, no release date is given for the others.

So you can soon use:

  • / gif : To quickly and easily insert a GIF from a file Iphonewithout going to a tab or an app.
  • /Pay : to send money. But only in countries where this feature is available, which is not the case in France.
  • / desk : To send this emoji (turn a table): (╯° □°) ╯︵ ┻━┻
  • / shrug my shoulder : To send another emoji shrugging her shoulders: ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

Other shortcuts may appear later to simplify the use of Messenger.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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