Bethesda Should be Purchased Gives Microsoft Already Three years ago, According to researcher Michael Boucher, in a speech on the SIFTD Games video podcast.
We know that the announcement of the acquisition of Microsoft Bethesda was made last September and that the move was officially completed a few days ago, but apparently the publisher has been cultivating the ambition of joining as part of the family for some time Xbox.
“I was talking to some people from Bethesda at an event three years ago and they asked me‘ Do you think? Electronic Arts Can you buy us? ‘, To which I replied’ Yes, they can ‘. So they ask me ‘Do you think Microsoft can buy us?’ I replied ‘I think it will be A better guess”, Butcher said.
“So they said, ‘We think so too! Behold, you say Bill Spencer Buy us? ‘, And I actually went to Bill and told him that these were also from Bethesda who wanted to talk to him, They wanted him to buy the company. “
“I said I was laughing, but it really happened. I get credit!”, The analyst said jokingly. “Bethesda asked me to do it They really wanted to be a part of Microsoft. The reason is that Bill is a wonderful person and he treats his developers well. “
“Matt locked, The man who runs the studios, there is no kinder man in the face of the earth than him. I think it is common knowledge that Microsoft treats its employees well, which is why everyone wants to work there. “
The talk show will begin at 5:45 p.m. Video Below here.