Micro Center apologizes for insulting AMD graphics cards

What kind of nonsense is that?! In a post explaining how to choose a graphics card, Micro Center said that AMD products “require periodic changes or maintenance to function as intended,” while Nvidia products are “plug and play.” The CEO of Micro Center has since apologized.

It is reasonable to choose one team over another, but Micro Center not only showed a preference for Nvidia, but also lied about the quality of AMD graphics cards.

Here is the offending part of the file the origin, immortalized in Tweet formula.

AMD graphics cards tend to be quite affordable, but may require some regular adjustments or maintenance to keep them working as intended. On the other hand, Nvidia graphics cards work similarly to video game consoles and basically work on the plug-and-play principle.

The ease of use and stability of Nvidia GPUs have made them the most popular choice among gamers and streamers. Nvidia cards also support ray tracing and DLSS, which work together to give gamers the highest possible graphics quality without sacrificing frame rates.

AMD graphics cards are just as easy to use as Nvidia cards. Both need the same amount of Driver Maintenance and benefit equally from repairs and cleaning every one to two years. Both are used as wrenches (tighten the screw!) and play. And while Nvidia cards have an advantage Raytracing and DLSSDo you have AMD cards? Similar features, as Rick Morshed, President and CEO of The Micro Center, in his apology.

Incorrect information about AMD graphics cards has been accidentally posted on our website.

This was posted without properly checking the information and we sincerely apologize for the error. AMD graphics cards deliver superior performance, including ray tracing and AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) for maximum visual performance, and ease of maintenance-free installation beyond standard driver updates.

And he kept promising to better monitor Micro Center posts. A search for graphics cards on the Micro Center website reveals a reasonable mix of AMD and Nvidia, all of which are overpriced and out of stock.

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We are sure that the post was written by a lonely Nvidia fan without consent. Last but not least, the post’s poor grammar indicates that it hasn’t been reviewed by anyone big.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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