Years pass and they are not the same. This principle is absolutely true with regard to mobile Internet access. While residents of the metropolitan area of Strasbourg in 2019 and 2020 were best equipped with mobile internet (both in terms of speed and quality of mobile web browsing), their Lille counterparts left them in 2021, as indicated by the latest published figures. by the company nPerf.
Residents of the Northern Capital Region have, since the beginning of 2021, benefited from a very good average downstream speed of 90 Mb/s, as well as a very high quality of web browsing and live streaming, which finally puts it in first place in the grading place,” she says. The company specialized in measuring connections.
“Lille is followed on the platform by the other northern conglomerate in this arrangement, Douai-Lens, and in third step Lyon,” outlines the latest annual mobile internet metric created by nPerf. What about Strasbourg? “The Strasbourg conglomerate drops sharply to ninth place,” the company said, without giving further details of the decline in strength seen in the Alsatian capital.
Orange leads the way
The latter is not the only conglomerate that suffers from a slight delay in terms of mobile connectivity. “Apart from Lyon, the largest conglomerates in France, namely Paris and Marseille, are far from enjoying the best mobile internet performance, since they are ranked sixth and eighth respectively in the ranking,” he told nPerf. There’s good news, however: Global mobile connectivity — including increased latency and speed as well as tests for streaming and web browsing — is on the rise, says the institute, which estimates it at 7% over one year.
Source: nPerf
Note that on the issue of the highest mobile speeds, Nantes keeps the streak with an average download speed calculated at 94.5 MB/s in 2021, ahead of Montpellier (94.2 MB/s) and Lens Douy (93 MB/s) .
There is still a question about which operators offered the best mobile connectivity in 2021. In this little game, Orange offers the best. “Orange subscribers are those who have benefited from the best mobile internet performance, in the vast majority of the TOP15 conglomerates, with the exception of Aix-Marseille, Nice-Cannes-Antibes and Avignon,” notes nPerf. The company also notes that “SFR narrowly wins in Marseille, and more broadly in Nice, over Orange”, while “Puyges leads the race in the Avignon bloc”.
The company also notes that “for the first time, Free delivered the best downstream speed in an urban area, Avignon.”
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