Thanks to his cell phone documentation, Carsten Schubert is giving “access” to the Art.2 (1) collection of artists online from March 14 onwards.
© Th Mayer
“Pictures of women – a stereotype?” It is the subject of an exhibition of the regional artists group Art.2 (1) on International Women’s Day at Arthaus, which can be seen from Sunday, March 14th. However, due to the epidemiological situation, it is only actual, although it has actually been placed in the Arthaus for a few days. His absolutely accomplishment is an achievement for nearly a dozen exhibitors, because a presentation concept can only be created through phone calls and video conferencing.
Altheim – The group of artists with a strange name was founded about five and a half years ago, which reminds of the right to free development of personality stipulated in the Basic Law in Article 2. Artists Dorothy Eitel, Hans Peter Schmucker, Regina Heizer, Suzanne Rieger, Sandra Hebel, Christian Sepp, Angela Schaeffer, Claudia Baum, Anne Zimmer, Lisa Rubanova and Christine Witcher feel a commitment to him in the new show.
The image of a woman is changing. Women have been eligible to vote since 1918. It was a long way to get there. Millions of women took to the streets to demand their rights.
The models themselves asked questions, How do we experience the “role of women” today? Is there a regression? Frequent vulgar images of women shape our everyday life. What role do the media, school, church, family, and social system play?
Christine Witcher sums up: “We don’t just care about these questions on the occasion of International Women’s Day. As artists and cultural workers, we would like different positions on the topic of women’s images – stereotype? To make them visible. “
In many fields, artists devote themselves to the subjects in various ways: within the family, motherhood, childbirth, or political interference. Photographs and sculptures were created using various techniques, Susan Rieger displays photographs and hangs small pamphlets with legal texts or proverbs among the exhibits in the former conference room of the former City Hall in Altheim.
The entire upper floor of the Arthaus, which has been closed since November 2 and possibly until the end of the month, was used for the Article 2 Gallery (1). The artists came individually or in pairs to set it up. Carsten Schubert was responsible for shooting the entire installation via mobile and making it “available” to the public. He follows the directions of the group of artists and if he rushes off the show into the artwork very quickly, “there is always a pause button for him,” he laughs at his responsible documentation work.
Mayor Joachim Schleidt also knows how to appreciate cultural work in society and sends a salute to creative and virtual visitors: “Only since 1958 have men and women in Germany have equal rights, on paper at least. I dare not judge to what extent this equality has become a reality.” The non-partisan, backed by the union, reminds us: “After all, we have had a chancellor for nearly 16 years. Women are severely underrepresented on German business boards and in the technical and scientific professions.” Schleidt rhetorically asks: Is this due to women’s inability or Don’t want to take over these careers? Or rather, because many social structures still regard the masculine as a criterion for determining direction? “ Everyone should be very curious to know what ideas the exhibition at Arthaus offers, whether they are individual female visions of the world.
The presentation of photos can be viewed as of March 14th under the link on the ARThaus home page at It will be there until the end of March and can then be accessed in the Arthaus archive. (Written by Thomas Mayer)
Anne Zimmer puts on her poster about an Arab woman who wanted to drive.
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Lisa Rubanova made this statue on the theme of portraits of women and childbirth.
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