Nice gesture from the reservists – Lesur

What if a gendarmerie I called to tell you that you won something? You will likely be surprised. This was the case with residents San Martin Vesope Victims of the Storm Alex, Chief Petty Officer Anne-Julie C. asked her to see if they wanted Get a computer!

Storm Breaking Brigade Alex

On October 2, stormy Alex Torrent, a little running through town, turned into a raging river. The waves took it all. In particular, the gendarmerie brigade itself, which lost its commander for 24 hours. Pictures of the upside-down building in the river made headlines.

The unit was reinforced, in particular by Anne-Julie C. who arrived on October 9th after a call for volunteers. She has never left and will officially take command of the Brigade Community on March 1. His predecessor, who was reported missing for 24 hours during the storm, got a job in Polynesia.

Also read: Storm Alex: The Lost Gendarme was Found Alive

In the village, some lost everything and that is why Ann Julie C. responded positively to the suggestion of a Loir-et-Cher reservist, Emmanuel Z. He had already managed to acquire about thirty computers, laptops or central machines. Units. They come from a shepherd who wishes to remain anonymous. So the backup major asked his colleague to identify people who might need him.

Unlike the service buildings, the Saint-Martin-Vésubie brigade family building was not washed. However severely affected (DR)

“They were honestly surprised.”

“Basically, these computers were intended to deliver disasters to families with children.”Says the chief noncommissioned officer. So I was able to get the concerned people list and call them up. “They were honestly surprised.”She laughs. “It’s not every day that a gendarme calls you to offer you a computer.”. Those who had already been re-equipped or re-equipped by the city council rejected the offer.

Ultimately, I was able to identify the beneficiaries. Five friendly craft companies San Martin Vesope firefighters Among them is the gendarmerie. But also “Individuals who lost everything in the storm, some with children, others old”, Emmanuel Z lists ..

Major (R) Emmanuel Z.  With the gendarmes of the San Martin Vesope Brigade to mark the distribution of computers to victims of the Storm Alex.  (Dr)
Major (R) Emmanuel Z. With the gendarmes of the San Martin Vesope Brigade to mark the distribution of computers to victims of the Storm Alex. (Dr)

To move computers, the consumer group called Schneider. The company is already a partner of the Reserve Association Unorgend, Who is the Deputy Secretary-General.

On Monday, February 15th, he was at the gendarmerie, still sheltering on the premises of Mercantor Park, to hand over computers to beneficiaries. Unit personnel have been completely revamped since the storm. She now has three non-commissioned officers and two volunteer gendarmes aides. They are taking advantage of the reinforcement of four reserve soldiers to ensure the safety of the residents who were tried, but were not defeated. “I find people strong enough”, Notes Ann Julie C. “They are totally positive and not bitter at all.”.

Read also: Storm Alex: a brigade destroyed by the raging elements

She is currently working on the file for the Future Brigade. “Nothing is certain, but the project at the present time is directed towards building in the center of the village.”, Determines the chief noncommissioned officer. “This should make it possible to continue this link with a population that has strengthened during the storm.”.


Frank Mccarthy

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