Ogury launched a new mobile header format that disappears while browsing

Ogury, a tech specialist in mobile advertising, is launching Header Ad, a mobile format that instantly appears at the top of a phone’s screen and resizes as soon as a user begins interacting with the content on the page.
As it scrolls through the content, the header ad shrinks to 100px, then closes when the ad is finished. The user can also enlarge the ad to full screen mode, or close it with a single click. As with all ad formats developed by Ogury, consumers have the choice and regain control of their ad experience.

Like other Ogury formats, Header Ad is non-intrusive and ephemeral, as it disappears at the end of the video or after a short viewing period.

Ogury says this format generates a cost per thousand (CPM) up to three times higher than display banners placed at the top of the page. This advertising space is exclusively powered by premium demand from major brands that have entered into an agreement with Ogury.

This mobile-friendly format has been endorsed by the Coalition for Better Ads. They are available in major bids, or by direct integration via tags.

“Like all ad formats Ogury creates, Header Ad is non-intrusive, ephemeral, 100% visible, but above all has a huge impact.” With this format and the ability to finally achieve the visual video performance that advertisers demand, publishers can increase their ad revenue on mobile.” BERANGER VOILEMEN, head of publisher development d’Ogury.

M Publicité, the advertising agency of the Le Monde group (Le Monde, L’Obs, Télérama, Courrier International and Le HuffPost) is an early recipient of this format.

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Brooke Vargas

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