Once again in pictures this Saturday from the 12th Games Festival in Fontanes (Haute-Loire)

Jakkolo, Quoridor, Puluc, Katomino… To find out what is hidden behind these names, the best solution is to go to Fontannes this weekend. Downtown, pedestrian between Town Hall, Priene de Veseli and the Media Library, celebrates its twelfth edition of the Game Festival, and there was a crowd, this Saturday, May 14 at noon. In addition to spending hours in the vast expanses entirely dedicated to metalwork, with free access, straight from the local toy library’s inventory, young and old can navigate the various stalls and activities or even take a break in front of the blacksmiths’ workshop.

Joe Louis XIV and the Push of Lilies

In exchange for a few lilies, the coin in effect at the end of this meeting in this meeting directly chose the decoration and atmosphere The three musketeersAudiences can try their hand at other activities: throwing axes or a fence, climbing several meters to settle in one of the benches suspended from the branches, enjoying one of the huge inflatable structures or trying to solve one of the three escape games on offer (from 4, 8 or 11 year).

La Cool et verte invites athletes to meet on Sunday

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This will be followed by a falconry show

This Sunday, May 15th, this roaming time will once again be punctuated by activities offered by Brin de ficelle and his associates (tale readings, fencing demonstrations, dance lessons, etc.). But the festival, which can be accessed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., will also be marked by a free falcon equestrian show, at 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m., by L’hippogrife.

The first numbers. About 960 people (schoolchildren, nursing home residents, etc.) attended on Friday, marking the launch of the festival (Photo Mathis Eon). Last night, with 170 covers, the royal feast sold out.

Pierre Hebrard

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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