Played on Nintendo Switch (OLED model) – check out the new Metroid Dread gameplay material now – Ntower

Less than two weeks until one of Nintendo’s most sought-after titles officially sees the light of day. We are of course talking about the mysterious Metroid dread, which is already planned for the Nintendo DS, but only thanks to the combination of Nintendo Switch and development studio mercury vapor became a reality. After many years, the end of the first Metroid saga can now be experienced.

Besides us, many other video game news magazines around the world also had the opportunity to try out the latest Nintendo games. Like Maik, our colleagues also managed for the first time Nintendo Switch (OLED model) work experience. So if you’ve already read our preview, you guys Here You can find yourself Three more videos which displays additional gameplay materials related to Metroid Dread. Two of them provide offscreen screenshots showing the hybrid console’s new screen. Metroid Dread and Nintendo Switch (OLED model) both to be released October 8.

What is your shopping list for October 8th?

Source: YouTube (gaming avenue), (GameXplain), (Eurogamer)

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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