Promised and sworn digital education is not just a magnification!

He exclaims: “Video is the basics of digital education!” Mary Kristen Levitt, Founder of Educapital, an investment fund dedicated to the education technology sector. “Ultimately, it is a tool that should not be used. Remember, Zoom and Microsoft Teams were not developed for educational purposes. Virtual classrooms are probably 5% of what digital education can bring, it’s like summarizing the web to the first sites launched on Infonie in 97-98! “

Digital education is not just remote. exactly the contrary : Often digital tools are at the service of a more interactive and interactive relationship with the class teacher. This is how the inverted layer concept, driven by the development of digital technology, has seen a strong revival in recent years. In the reverse class, the lecture is canceled in favor of pre-recorded video lessons and consumables at home. There are many online trainings that professional platforms are providing on modern tools like AI Training, Power BI or Python Course, Cyber Security,etc.

Time spent in college is Dedicated to teamwork and critical thinking about the resources I previously covered in front of his computer. “The flipped classroom is an interesting concept because it embodies the“ 4C school ”as theorized by historian Yuval Harari: creativity, communication skills, critical thinking, and collaborative work. These four “skills” are the skills we generally need the most in business.Notice Mary Kristen Levitt.

The inverted class is at the heart of the Minerva concept. This experimental university in San Francisco has made a name for itself with this amazing statistic: With an acceptance rate of 2%, enrollment is harder than it is at Harvard (4.9%)! There is no campus in Minerva, all classes are held online and in small groups. Teachers are not supposed to speak for more than a few minutes in a row. The goal is to first give the floor to students.

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Several works demonstrated the virtues of this “active learning”: Students in classes with traditional lectures were 1.5 times more unsuccessful than students in classes with active learningratification a study Published in PNAS.

Virtual classroom is perhaps 5% of what digital education can provide. (MC Levet, Educapital)

In Minerva, if the courses are distance, students will not be alone: They are grouped together in dorms in seven cities around the world that they go to every six months (Berlin, London, Taipei, Buenos Aires, etc.). With a cloud-based campus and the world as a stadium, the university can offer two to three times cheaper rates than Ivy League institutions.

Advances in artificial intelligence are making it possible to think about it Personal learning, adapting to each person’s learning method. By collecting data during the process, tools such as Domusso Hub Are able to identify the differentiated pathways. “The two students sitting next to each other will not have the same learning path, depending on what they remember and where they are facing difficulty. This has a double advantage: Motivate the best by speeding up the pace, while avoiding dropping out of school as much as possibleMary Kristen Levitt explains.

Allow the most engaging and engaging learning, Virtual reality is also finding its way onto campus. Danish company Lapester offers Virtual lab application To conduct 3D experiments in physics, chemistry or microbiology. The app saved the day in many US universities while booking but was originally used personallyFor example, to conduct experiments in a lecture hall.

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Among the range of successful forays into schools and universities, we can mention the application Kahoot. This interactive MCQ tool, creating chaos during evenings with friends, is increasingly finding its place in TD rooms.

While digital tools are now available in abundance, Lack of teacher training is often a real obstacle. The forced shift to distancing during confinement showed the full extent of the progress that needed to be made in this area: the majority of teachers found themselves compelled to use new digital tools without having received technical and educational training.

Digital innovation only makes sense if it is accompanied by real educational innovation And whether teachers are properly trained for these new challenges. In contrast to the improvised lessons on Zoom, a university’s crutch plunged into an unprecedented health crisis. Rest assured, the future doesn’t have to look like a long tunnel of video conferencing.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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