Pyra and Mythra tied on March 5 in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate Report – teller

D. Issues Xenoblade 2 ChroniclesOne is fire and the other is light. Already during the last Nintendo Direct, it was announced that Pyra and Mythra are the new fighters to join Super Smash Bros. Ultimate As a fourth addition to the second Pass the fighters. Like Zelda and Elder in Super Smash Bros.Miley On GameCube, these two fencers pose as a two-in-one character.

While their attacks generally appear to be the same, this does not mean that they are the same. First, Pyra creates a blazing effect with its sword as Mythra fires rays of light. The latter is also faster in his moves and jumps a little higher, but Pyra compensates for his slowdown with a little more force. Their special attacks (B) also differ from character to character, as does Final Smash which captures Xenoblade 2 Chronicles Blazing Sword attacks by Berra and Mithra’s “Holy Arrow”. It is possible to alternate between these two duelists with a low B +, which is enough to develop a good strategy by choosing the best to improve his attacks.

Experts will recognize Titan Azurda on the Sea of ​​Clouds in Alrest as a new battlefield. In the background, we can see other characters from the J-RPG released in 2017, starting with Rex, but also the duo Tora and Poppie or Zeke and Pandoria. Note that 16 new music from the universe Xenoblade These characters will be added, as well as a new Soul Board. The Mii Fighters’ costumes focus on the swordsman with the Hunter group and the Rathalos outfit taken from Monster hunter, As well as Arthur’s shield to celebrate the release of Resurrection of ghosts and goblins.

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In his detailed presentation of Play From Pyra and Mythra, Masahiro Sakurai did not forget to recall that there are still two places for the fighters at the last of the Fighters Lane in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. If these two swords are available tonight in Japan, at home, we will have to wait for the game update during Friday, March 5th. Pyra and Mythra are also available for individual purchase from the square and their music Xenoblade For 5.99 euros.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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