Questionnaire: other drivers fear above all

“Take care of each other”: the slogan of ASFINAG’s traffic safety campaign is also the great desire of those who, as drivers, enjoy the least amount of protection. This is evidenced by the ASFINAG survey, in which more than 1,800 cyclists participated: more than two-thirds of respondents stated that they felt safe on highways and motorways due to the good and wide lanes; Yet nearly 30 percent attributed their reduced sense of safety to other road users – and in particular to recklessness.

Afraid of distracting others

Often mentioned “sudden lane changes without flashing” as well as poor discipline of flashing in general; Eight percent mentioned truck traffic in general, and even motorists who banned putting their cell phones in their ears and thus being distracted, making respondents feel uncomfortable. “Fear of being neglected or by truck” is understandably greater in this group – motorcycle accidents often result in more serious injuries due to the lack of a “wrinkle area”.

Protecting motorcyclists at the focus of the campaign

“Being mindful of others in traffic is the fundamental principle of safe coexistence on our roads,” ASFINAG Board Members Hartwig Hoffnagel and Joseph Viala resumed. “At the start of motorcycle season, we would like to place a special focus on two-wheeled motorcyclists with our information focus on ‘paying attention to each other.’

Protective equipment is of course a 95 percent issue

Since the motorcycle hardly provides protection, the majority of cyclists attach great importance to the upper protection equipment: in addition to the mandatory helmet, leather jackets and leather pants, appropriate shoes and gloves, and above all, a back protector is standard.

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95 percent of those surveyed drive their cars at full speed – and a few are still neglectful and dispense with bits of appropriate clothing, especially on short trips. To this end, 80 percent have already completed one or more driver safety training.

Raise your hand from the cell phone

Motorcyclists also set an example with regard to cell phone use: although this would not be technically a problem over Bluetooth, the mobile phone is “off limits” for 97 percent of people while driving. On the other hand, four out of ten cyclists regularly use a satellite navigation system. The surroundings and other vehicles are seen as the biggest distraction, with 10 percent having problems with helmets or masks that get distracting.

On the highway to your spare time

By the way, two-wheeled drivers use the expressway or expressway mainly in their spare time or when going on vacation; 50 percent also use Fast and Direct connection to travel to popular motorcycle routes. Only 22 percent said they would take the highway to get to work.

The idea of ​​safety, in turn, is to blame when motorcyclists use the high-profile network for another good reason: Once bad weather and especially rain are anticipated, it is better to use the highway rather than the state road, as it leads to the destination much safer and more direct.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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