Rainbow Six: Siege – All attackers must receive anti-reinforcement items

The Rainbow Six: Siege meta will likely move in a big way because Ubisoft was planning to offer attackers standard yet powerful tools.

Small holes, always small holes…

Rainbow Six: Siege He starts to get too crowded for his own good. By virtue of the addition staff Always more specialized, some older characters find it hard to compete against the top picks, while others certainly aren’t. not necessary (Which is perhaps more the case of Lord Tachanka, our savior of all.) for the purpose of Variety of shots And let players explore other ways to play To the tactical shooter, the defenders camp will risk a hard life because of New tools It will soon be given to all attackers.

during From 6 invitation boards that dealt with the future of the game, Lu Game Director Leroy Athanasov And Principal designer Jean-Baptiste Halle Share their plans for this. Therefore it should receive all attackers secondary tool which must be able to penetrate reinforced walls. I’m thinking of Small shipment of Thermite Which should open a pit of Aperture size.

The goal is to give a choice, but second tool still considered under consideration. The team would like to give the ability to that Deactivate the electronic equipment Defenders the same way as Thatcher, but – again – there is no doubt about disposal For a powerful tool like him.

Which date estimate Not given to introduce such tools. They will not be in Next season will start on March 5th, In all cases. That’s for sure.

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A fan of the Esport scene and very committed, Ubisoft good account R6 is as competitive and balanced as possible. Along the same lines, the studio behind the game intends to upgrade all the old cards in the game before introducing new ones.

Rainbow Six: Siege is available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Samantha Arnold

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