Remote Play Together can be used with friends without an account –

Today Valve Client has released a new update of Beta Steam, Which introduces a very interesting new feature: usability Remote play together Even with friends who do not have a steam account. Wolf’s official description is here.

“To try out this new feature, sign in to the beta version of Steam Client. When the update is complete you will see a” Copy link “button in the friends list whenever you play one. Thousands of games that support the steam remote game. To quickly access your games that support remote play together, click Advanced Filtering Options in your library and select “Remote Play Together” in the Features section. You can also create a dynamic package with the Save button. ”

“When you’re ready to play, start the game and then grab the invitation from the friends list on the Steam Overlay. Send it to your friends. On Windows, iOS, Android or Raspberry Pi: They can click the invitation and join the fun. “Then it is explained that only those who do not have an account can join together in remote play: others have to be called by right-clicking from the regular list.

“Players with a controller can immediately join in the fun. If you are the host of the session and have a controller, you can decide. Release the mouse and keyboard control for the remote connected player Through the steam overlay. ”

If you want to know How to access the beta version of Steam, You can find all the information This address. Finally, we point out that the Xbox controller is increasingly used by PC players in the Valve operating system.

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Veronica Tucker

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