Return to the ropes, antenna opponents denounce the attempt to deter

Free Mobile: Back to the ropes, antenna opponents denounce the attempt to deter

A group of residents and an association opposing the free antenna lose their battle in court and each will have to pay 1,000 euros to the operator. In Laayoune, judgment aims to “Dissuade citizens from filing an appeal against installing antennas.”

After several actions including proposing an alternative and filing a free appeal to prevent the construction of a free 4G antenna in the town of Bois-d’Oingt, a group of residents and an association in September 2020 ended up in administrative justice.

All these attempts failed. Indeed, the Lyon Administrative Court has just condemned the Bois du Sud collective, the Bien vivre au Bois d’Oingt and the Land of the Golden Stones for paying €1,000 each to the operator.

We fought and we are sorry we did not hear. Today we received a double penalty: visual pollution from our point of view in the municipalities of Bois d’Oingt and Légny, subsidized for each of the associations with a provision to pay 1000 euros free of charge “, sorry for the group and the Assembly. And to see there is an attempt to silence the opposition of antennas: “This ruling undoubtedly aims to dissuade citizens from filing lawsuits against the installation of wireless telephone antennas.”.

The assembly and assembly deplored visual pollution, with equipment that would distort the landscape and panorama overlooking Bois d’Oingt and the neighboring city of Légny. “We showed the court that it was possible to modify the existing installation 70 meters from the new Free project. The municipality of Bois d’Oingt, considered wrong to allow the passage of the deadline for opposing the building permit, granted tacit authorization, which led to a dispute between the residents and the company Free “Jean-Claude Henri, group secretary, explains.

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Source : Progress

Brooke Vargas

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