Samantha Cristoforetti, A Day at the ISS Between Spicy Food, Sports and Selfie-

From Massimo Sideri

Days of the astronaut returning to space on Wednesday. Job changes, extra time and betting to see the earth

Samantha Christophoretti He celebrated his 45th birthday on Tuesday Preparing for launch The Crew-4 mission is scheduled for Wednesday at 9:52 a.m. Italian time from the Kennedy Space Center. The launch of SpaceX’s Freedom spacecraft will take her to the International Space Station (ISS) for a second time. Duration of work: 5 months. But what about his days?


The ISS completes its orbit around the Earth in 90 minutes, so it forecasts sixteen sunrises each Earth day. It confuses the circadian cycle. After several attempts it was understood that it would be best to set the alarm at sunrise on Earth to avoid the so-called continuous jet leg effect.

How much time in the ISS?

Setting the alarm clock: Earth is easy to tell. But if everyone lived in their own time zone, the ISS would be dominated by chaos. So it was decided to apply Integrated Universal Time (UTC), which is equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you want to call her, Cristoforetti lives in an almost Italian time.

How long have you been working?

Eight hours as if on Earth, even without the Astronauts Association. Apparently extra time will happen.


At the station we eat three times a day. The food is not like the Apollo missions, but the lack of attraction does not help: the cutlery is placed on the table by magnets. Liquids are drunk through straw from special closed containers. Prolonged micro-gravity dulls taste buds, so spicy food is generally preferred by the group. Not to be mistaken, Cristoforetti ordered a risotto before leaving (his co-workers Steaks and Lobsters …). ISS is not really Michelin’s star restaurant.

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Two hours of play a day (ISS includes exercise bikes, squats and treadmills: but to train and reduce muscle and bone breakdown, you need to bind).


The race actually crossed it in front of the famous glass dome Selfie More exclusive than it is. Three things: 1) It seems that you will never get bored looking at the earth; 2) there are changes; 3) The dome was built and designed by the Italians. No one wanted to do that because they saw it as a weak point. The Italian architects of the domes are well known. Long live Brunelleschi.

Social Websites

In short: eight hours of work and two games, more dome and food. Social media has some free time and one of the most used astronauts on them is @AstroSamantha: he has almost a million Followers.


Discount? Each day we each breathe 0.9 kg of liquid oxygen and drink a total of 2.7 kg of water. The station is a unique laboratory of sustainability and circular economy. Waste water from the urine and compressed moisture from the air are purified and reused directly or broken down by electrolysis to deliver fresh oxygen.


Many people decide to sleep in vertical sleeping bags (nothing changes in the absence of gravity). But there is a problem: as the hot air does not rise, the carbon dioxide produced will be in front of their mouth like a bubble. Astronauts tend to follow ape-like instincts, i.e. the position of the fetus. And floating dream.

April 26, 2022 (Change April 26, 2022 | 22:21)

Veronica Tucker

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