Season 2 of The Lady’s Game: Netflix makes an ad

Netflix is ​​making an advertisement for a possible second season of The Lady’s Game. The series “The Lady’s Game” or “The Queen’s Maneuver” is about to end.

Netflix responded to fans on Twitter after asking them: Is a second season planned?

Netflix announces the second season of Lady’s Game

The answer is sadly no, despite Tweetos’ expectations. Explanations are revealed at the end of the series.

There is no season 2 for The Lady’s Game series

The series that tells the story of Beth Harmon is one of France’s top 10 favorite shows. Many viewers follow The Lady’s Game closely because the chess scenes are so realistic.

However, netizens are looking forward to the upcoming season. The response from Netflix was swift and the tweeters were very disappointed: No second season was planned. However, Netflix gave the reasons why the series ended in only one season.

The second season of the game Mrs.

The first and only season

Lady’s Play will not have Anya Taylor-Joy starring another season. Netflix is ​​responding to internet users by announcing that it is a mini-series that is being defined as a one-season series. However, it turns out there’s no need to do a sequel.

In an interview with Town & Country, William Huberg, Executive Producer and Anya Taylor-Joy, the actress who plays Beth Harmon, revealed their belief that the talented chess girl story had a happy ending.

Then the fans have different opinions. Several followers of the series revealed their disappointment with the series ’ending. According to those who want a sequel, the ending is frustrating and too short. Some were aware of this, but they were very fond of the show.

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However, others declared that for a mini-series, it’s best to stick to one season with a happy ending.

Mrs. Game series

Tess Larson

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