Slow Computer: How to Clean a Lagging Computer Easily?

Computers slow down with age, sometimes dramatically. But you can give them a second guy by following the instructions below.

• Uninstall unnecessary programs

The number one cause of slowdown is installing too many software. Every new program slows down the computer. Conversely, every removed program speeds up the computer. So uninstall unnecessary programs. As a rule, you have to remove a lot of programs to notice a noticeable acceleration. But sometimes removing large programs is enough.

Attention : Remove only programs that you know. Never kill a program you don’t know how to use.

Here is the procedure to follow

Click on the Start menu, then click on Control Panel. In Windows XP, click Add or Remove Programs. In Windows Vista, click Programs and Features. With Windows Seven, click Uninstall a program.

Another common cause of slowdowns is memory saturation.

For a computer to function properly, it needs a small amount of free space on the hard drive. Sometimes it is used to store information. Without this “virtual” memory, it sometimes experiences severe slowdowns.

How can I verify that the computer has enough virtual memory?

Click the Start menu, and then click My Computer (or My Computer). A window is displayed: click (C 🙂 with the right mouse button. Left click on properties. In the circle that appears, blue indicates used space, and purple indicates free space. If you have less than 2 GB of free space, cleaning is required.

Delete some large documents

For example, image files, music or videos. Click on it, hit the delete key, and verify that it is correct. At the end of cleaning, empty the trash. Right-click on it and hit Empty Trash, the older the computer, the more fragmented your hard drive will be into thousands of ports. This fragmentation slows down the computer.

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Since 2008, Windows has automatically cleaned your hard drive. Unfortunately, this maneuver, called defragmentation, has to be started manually on some computers, and once started the process takes a few hours. Turn it on before you go to sleep. Click on the Start menu, then All Programs, then Accessories, and finally System Tools. Click Disk Defragmenter, then click Defragment.

Antivirus is the latest cause of slowdowns that are easy to fix

When switching between antivirus programs, some users forget to uninstall the old one, which slows down the computer a lot. Make sure that only one antivirus is running on your computer. If necessary, uninstall the old one. Other users make the opposite error. They ignore their antivirus, paving the way for malware. This can significantly slow down your computer: it is a common occurrence.

If you don’t have an antivirus, install one. Run a full computer scan to remove viruses. If you have an antivirus, but neglected updates, the problem is the same. Your antivirus is outdated. Malware may have infiltrated your computer. Uninstall your antivirus and install a new one. Then check your computer.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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