Sony tells Japanese shoppers to avoid boxes and open boxes –

Sony is trying to counter this phenomenon Praise Off PS5 In all possible ways in Japan. She even went so far as to ask the shopkeepers Open the boxes Consoles for sale, making it very difficult to resell.

The Japanese house inventing system is actually quite unique. The Cans PS5s come in stores with large stickers and can only be removed using tools provided by the manufacturer.

Stickers will be removed in the presence of customers after each sale. This way, the Dowd consoles can not be resold as new because the packages are damaged where the stickers are pasted. The initiative has been going on for more than a month, but data on its effectiveness are not yet available.

With comparative costs, finding such complex systems to secure sales is a clear indication of how widespread the scalping phenomenon is and how hardware trends affect, especially those with high demand such as the PS5.

Months go by anyway Request Although it is very difficult to find units available in stores, the console is stable.

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Veronica Tucker

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