T-shirts and accessories for advertising: the importance of company tools

advertising hoodiesIn order to increase the relevance of your company’s brand, there is nothing better than choosing company gadgets, such as advertising jackets, key rings, etc.

When we have a company, surely one of our goals is to make ourselves I know. Thus, many companies opt for expensive marketing campaigns, both physical and virtual (especially on social networks).

but one”tricks“To make consumers remember that the brand is one of the oldest in the world, i Corporate Tools.

So let’s see its importance and why we should choose it.

What are corporate tools?

as he said Tom Fishburne, Famuso Brand Strategist:

“The best marketing is nothing like marketing.”

I Corporate Tools They are often defined PTO (Declaration Through Object) They are basically everyday common use objects, bearing the company logo.
So it is a very intense advertisement, useful to promote a company or business, in a non-invasive and can oftentimes be unconventional way.

It is another step in marketing, compared to the simple and classic business card. How many times have we taken a business card and thrown it away or put it in our wallet and forgot it was there?

In this way, the company does not gain visibility, on the contrary, it can also be considered as an invasive and unnecessary form of marketing.
Alternatively, by choosing a file common use topicConsumers are often grateful to be provided with a useful tool that they can use in everyday life.

Are corporate tools really useful?

advertising hoodiesObviously, before we continue, the question arises: is using company tools really helpful in making the company known?

Several case studies have shown that corporate tools are the same Winning Communication StrategyThey last over time, unlike other marketing campaigns, often with an expiration date.

The tool, in fact, managed to extend the range Brand knowledge For a large segment of consumers, who feel “rewarded” by this choice, increased brand engagement and customer satisfaction, including future customers.

There are many Reasons For which the company’s tools are a profitable option:

  • Do Advertising for your company, even for a long time. An object of common use can remain in circulation for several years and pass, from hand to hand, to more people, so as to expand its audience;
  • They managed to make Brand name in the mind of the recipient. At this point, the type of object chosen also depends a lot, but always having the company name and/or logo under one’s eyes will make it easier for the customer to remember the brand.
  • they improvecompany image, is a factor that should not be underestimated, especially in times like these when brand image is so important. In those who receive it, a feeling of gratitude is released, which prompts them to reciprocate.
  • It’s a much more form of marketing economic Compared to others and often more effective, because the customer will not perceive it as invasive.

What kind of company tools to choose?

Obviously, to make a successful marketing choice, a lot depends on what type of tool is chosen.
Study 2020 PPAI (Promotional Products International Association) He has compiled a rating for the five categories of gift giving items that are highly appreciated by customers.

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Here it is classification:

  • Custom clothing, such as advertising hoodies;
  • products related to health and beauty, especially if they are ecological, including also antiseptic gels and masks;
  • technological products (eg USB devices);
  • Water cups and bottles
  • Travel bags and accessories.

It is important to focus on an object useful, which a potential customer can use while at work or in their spare time and not something that ends up in a drawer, to collect dust.

However, it is equally important to choose something that is inherent in the field of the company, reflects its history and values. An additional advantage can be the selection of items “modern“Recently, such as a small power bank to recharge cell phones and tablets, or a disinfecting gel, which has been in great demand in recent years, or a water bottle, to avoid plastic consumption.

Among the most important factors, there are Brand reference. In fact, it is recommended to use the company logo or its colors, so as to impress the potential customer with the brand.

Source: article by the editorial board of Lentepubblica.it

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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