The Caligula Effect 2 is now available • Nintendo Connect

NIS America released today Caligula effect 2 For PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. In the second branch of the series, Go Home Club takes risks in Redo, a “paradise” in which Regret and Obbbligato musicians dominate.

Sorry, an iconic puppeteer, who created the world of Redo to save people from their unfortunate past by unknowingly imprisoning humanity in a simulator. However, this “paradise” is severely shattered when a virtual idol named Regret intervenes in Regret’s virtual reality and restores the student’s memories of the real world. To escape Redo, they together again release the name Go Home Club, a resistance group that challenges Regret and its implementers, the Obbligato Musicians.


  • Welcome to Tatefushi Academy: Meet the new faces of Go Home Club, whose memories Virtuadoll χ has brought back. Recruit more students to help you challenge Virtuadoll, Regret and Obbbligato-Musicians and find your way out of Redo’s pseudo-world.
  • Escape battles: Use the imaginary chain to guess the moves of your opponents. With perfect strategy and technique, you can gain an advantage in combat.
  • unforgettable paradise: The Complete Story of Personal Writer Tadashi Satomi and Takuya Yamanaka. With its vibrant and sound-inspired soundtrack, the world of Redo becomes an unparalleled place for all senses.

See also  "Another World" for all ages, this Saturday, until evening, at Parc Pasteur in Orleans

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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