The caravan was founded illegally – Fannie

A resident of the Paris region will not be able to come and vacation in Beinstein in the same conditions he has known since 2017 (Le Télégramme, 23 February). The mobile phone he installed on land near the coast will have to be destroyed in 2012, with a commitment to reclaim the land within six months. A fine of € 100 will be applied for each day of delay. The criminal court also imposed a suspended fine of 1,000 euros, and ruled that creating an area of ​​more than 5 square meters is illegal.

This 66-year-old retiree argued in front of the judges, but also before the city mayor, who became a civil party without claiming compensation, that “my neighbors, including the deputy mayor, can always enjoy their facilities that are unlawful as mine.”

During the transplant, everything was legal

His lawyer, May Mattel, added: “When this man pledged to buy this land, it was legal to create a mobile home. The city council even provided him with an urban planning certificate and made the place viable, by bringing in water and electricity. However, it never informed him that an association had filed an appeal with the Administrative Court against the new local urban plan. Today, he is a victim of the municipality’s mistake, which was registered with a decision by the State Council to cancel the PLU and divide it into regions.

This dispute with the municipality can then continue in front of another jurisdiction, where the owner of the land indicates that he can claim compensation for damages caused to him during the change of division of his land.

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Brooke Vargas

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