The Edge of Reality was announced on September 30th

UK publisher/developer announced Maze Theory Arrival Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality On the 30th of next September. Scheduled for Xbox One and Series X | S, it is offered as a panel-adapted version edge of timeIt was released in 2019. The latter was intended exclusively for virtual reality. In addition to being able to enjoy it on our consoles, edge of reality It will add new puzzles, challenges and worlds. The first trailer can be discovered below.

For those who don’t know Who is the doctor?It is a British science fiction series that began in 1963. Its longest to date, spanning nearly 850 episodes. Of course, many actors played the main character. Doctor using a phone booth *travels in spacetime and faces many adventures. The next game will focus on the tenth and thirteenth iteration of the character, David Tennant and Judy Whitaker. The two will be protagonists in an unprecedented adventure, which was personally overseen by the BBC. Blessed bread for the masses!

* A booth that was used to call from the outside a few coins. This is before the advent of laptops of course…

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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